查胖子说:"To hell with Michigan"
Charlie Weis
"I've always been one never to make excuses and not blow hot air and [believe] you back your words by your performance on the field," the Notre Dame head coach said at what appeared to be an alumni reception before or after the April 19 Notre Dame Blue – Gold game. "I think that's the message our team is going to [follow] on September 6 with San Diego State. I think the first opportunity we'll have to make a statement is that day.
"Then we'll listen to Michigan have all their excuses as they come running in saying how they have a new coaching staff and those changes. To hell with Michigan."
当然查胖子同学的话谁也不能当真。2005年OT输给Michigan State以后,他老人家曾豪言 "we'll never lose to Michigan State again"。我们后来都知道这个伟大预言只坚持了一年就碰上了倒霉的3-9-2007。
2006 ND-UM pregame pep rally, 查同学又放话给大家。"We have not said a word about Michigan. We have not talked about their players; we have not talked about their coaches. We'll talk tomorrow." 第二天的比分是多少俺也记不清了,只记得事后引发无数ND bloggers强烈地震。